Living word for 21-May-2024. Scripture teaches and says, “Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene.”

John 19:25 teaches and says, “Standing by the cross of Jesus were His mother, His mothers sister, mary the wife of clopas, and mary magdalene.” Prior to this scripture Jesus had been crucified for all the wrong reasons from an earthly perspective wheras from a spiritual perspective it was for all the right reasons because there is no Christianity without a cross. You cannot be a disciple of Jesus without taking up your cross and following Him, this is because cosses are heavy and painful, they change ones life forever.

Sometimes even the greatest cost will be to those around you and those you love. You may be prepared to obey the Lords commands which in essence is carrying your cross, whatever commands they are, because you’ve walked with Him and know His way is the best yet there will be those close to you who have not related to Jesus in the same way and haven’t heard his voice as clearly as you have. Jesus understood that His fathers will for him led to the cross and this cross would mean a painful death for Jesus and would also bring suffering to those closest to Him. It was because of the cross that Jesus’ mother would watch in agony as her son was publically humiliated, tortured and murdered. Jesus’ aunt and close friends would witness his painful death, his disciples would be scattered in terror and confusion in what would turn out to be the darkest, coldest and longest night of their lives.

Because of Jesus obedience, there would also be a cross for each of his disciples, a cross for you and me to carry at a certain point T thats why he says in Matthew 16:24 that, “Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone wants to follow me, he must deny himself, pick up his cross, and follow me continuously.” Obedience to your lord’s commands will affect others especially those close to you. Don’t refuse to obey what you know God is asking because you fear the cost to your family will be too great. Don’t prevent those you love from taking up their own crosses God has for them, instead encourage them. Dont ever try to protect those you love by disobeying God. Jephthah had to sacrifice his own daughter so as to obey God and fulfill a careless vow he had made earlier.

Fellow child of God, the cost of disobedience is always far greater than obeying. Look to Jesus, your model, the author and founder of our Faith, the first born of all creation and see what it cost those around Him for Him to be obedient to His father. Be ready to pay this price as well, remember there is no christianity without a cross, there is no gospel without a cross, be ready to carry your cross as well.

Be blessed
X: @nellyville217
Facebook: Nellyville Wanyama

Published by nelson

Down to earth person, I owe my allegiance to Jesus Christ, it's by His grace that I am what I am today. It's a pleasure to share his word daily

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