Living word for 09-June-2024. Scripture says, “Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.”

We all go through periods of testing our faith to see what level we are at and trust me we all dont want to be tested but its part and parcel of this journey of salvation but *we should look to Jesus in times like these since he is the author and founder of our faith. The scripture teaches us today in hebrews 2:18 that, “For since He Himself was tested and has suffered, He is able to help those who are tested.”* Notice the way it starts, it says, *”for since He Himself was tested.”* This means Jesus went through the same tests that we are also going through today, its just the manifestations that are different but the tests are the same.

It goes without saying then that you will never face a test or temptation so strong that God has not made complete provision for you to overcome it. God, out of his love, has done everything necessary for you to be victorious whenever you face test or temptation. *God has clearly revealed His will to you through scripture sothat you wont be confused about the right thing to do.* He has placed the holy spirit within you to guide you in your decisions and to convict you when you make harmful or wrong choices.

*With every temptation God also provides a way of escape so that you never have to yeild to it and with every test God has also provided an answer in his written word because “it is written” is the perfect answer to all things.* Everything is in place for you to experience victory over every temptation. God has also done more to safeguard us from temptation. He allowed himself to suffer the full wrath of temptation, rememer todays scripture says, *”for He Himself was tested and has suffered.”* So some tests and temptations bring suffering when we make wrong choices but be of good cheer because Jesus already suffered this pain for you and me. *Jesus Christ the very son of God, humbled himself, taking all the limitations of human flesh and nailing them on the cross.*

He was tempted in every way just like we are. Jesus knew what it was like to get hungry, to grow tired, to be scolded and abused, he experienced the same limitations we face everyday yet He was without sin. He knew what it was like to loose a loved one, he weeped for lazarus at his tomb, therefore its to Jesus that we turn when we are faced with temptation. Our God is sympathetic enough and concerned with our struggles to live a righteous life. He knows it all because He has been through it all. This is why Jesus incarnated in human form to go throght the same things we go through and show us the remedy of how to live.

*Fellow child of God, our Heavenly Father knows how difficult it is to resist sin and withstand temptation. He knows we might fail some tests and have to retake them till we pass them. He knows our plight and is willing to give us the wisdom to push through. All we need to do is approach Christ on the throne of grace with confidence and boldness knowing full well that He understands our plight. He knows how to aid us through these temptations so as to gain glory out of them.*

Be blessed.
X: @nellyville217
Facebook: Nellyville Wanyama

Published by nelson

Down to earth person, I owe my allegiance to Jesus Christ, it's by His grace that I am what I am today. It's a pleasure to share his word daily

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