Living word for 22-May-2024. Scripture says, “I cried out to the LORD in the middle of my troubles; I cried out to my God. He listened to my voice from his sanctuary,   and my call for help was heard.”

Let me begin todays devotion by asking a question, when you are distressed because everyone goes through distress at one point on their lives but when you are distressed what do you do? The word distress can mean, “emotional, mental, physical or physcological discomcort.” So when you feel this way or when you go through this what do you do? Who do you run to? The psalmist helps us to answer this question as the scripture says in 2samuel 22:7 that, “In my distress i called to the lord; i called out to my God. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came to his ears.”

Scripture pictures for us the distress that David the psalnist went through, the person he replaced as king was trying to murder him and he had to flee, his own son wrestled the kingdom away from him and he had to flee as king, can you imagine? What would you have done in similar circumstances, the scripture says, “in my distress i called to the lord.” Times of distress can really be a thorn in the foot of a believer and we all go through them at a certain point in life. These are times of discomfort, times of serious danger. David went through distress times when King Saul sought to kill him, he had to flee, when his own son, Absalom took his place as king and wanted to kill him. Those were tough times.

But we learn from king David that its in such times that we ought to seek the lord more, to call on the name of our Lord and Savior, the only one who can get us from the pit. In your distress always remember to call on the Lord, he can never leave you or forsake you.

Are you in debt, are you sick, are you facing problem after problem. Dont think of other options, like king David, seek ye first the kingdom of God. Call on the lord, he is near to all who are distressed and broken hearted. There is no pit too deep that the grace of God cannot lift you out of. He adds, “i called out to my God.” Our God is a loving God, a faithful God, a merciful God, a forgiving God. Call unto Him, He will surely answer. Dont go to a shrine or any other small gods, they cannot deliver you. Our God is the king of kings.

The scripture says in Jeremiah 29:13 that, “you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Seek the Lord with all your heart even in times of distress and just like king David, he will deliver you from your foes. It adds, “from His temple He heard my voice.” Notice here that King David credits the Lords temple as the place where He heard David’s voice. When you get a chance to go to church, its an opportunity to cry out to him, whether distressed or not utilise it to pray to the only one who can listen and also answer your prayers. Remember His temple is called the house of prayer and you are the temple of God yourself so you need to be prayerful as a child of God.

From Gods temple He will hear your voice and answer. Your cry comes to the lords ears especially when you pour your heart out to him in prayer while in his temple. When Hannah was distressed without a child, she run to the lords temple and poured out her heart to him, and he answered her prayer and gave her a male child.

Fellow believer and child of God, lets learn from king David to call out to the Lord when distress signals start warning. Run to the house of God, the house of prayer and let your requests known to him, he will surely answer in due time for His delay doesnt mean denial. Your the temple of God like scripture so in times of distress dont forget to pray to the one who has a prooven record of answering prayers.

Be blessed.
X: @nellyville217
Facebook: Nellyville Wanyama

Published by nelson

Down to earth person, I owe my allegiance to Jesus Christ, it's by His grace that I am what I am today. It's a pleasure to share his word daily

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