Living wors for 19-October-2022 We learn from the contents of a prayer by the psalmist saying, “My mouth will tell of your righteous deeds, of your saving acts all day long though I know not how to relate them all.”

The scripture today says in psalms 71:15 that, “My mouth will tell of your righteous deeds, of your saving acts all day long, though i know not how to relate them all.” We get an insight into the prayer of the psalmist and one of the contents is a confession that he will speak about the righteous deeds of the LORD. A righteous deed is a good deed, you and me need to share with others all the good things that God has done for us.

Today’s scripture enlightens us about the nature and character of King David, somwthing i think we should try and exemplify in our daily lives. It says, “My mouth will tell of your righteous deeds.” notice the “my mouth” phrase. Not any body elses mouth but yours. Realize you can use your mouth for many things, for eating, for gossiping but the psalmist vows to instead use his mouth to speak about the righteous deeds of the LORD.
King David was practically saying that he will testify about the things God has done, about the challenges God has taken him through, about that wonders of God’s love, about the miracles that God has done. Has God done something for you, let your mouth speak about it. Your testimony is enough to save another soul from bondage because God is still and has always been in the miracle workong business.

It adds, “of your saving acts all day long,” God works things out for our good day by day, he saves us from harms way all the time. You may wonder how you move unscathed everyday. Car accidents left right and center but somehow God saves you by keeping you under his canopy and nothing happens to you. All day long whenever you get a chance, speak about how God has saved you, many are sick in hospital but your alive, well and healthy because of Gods grace and His saving arm, oh what an awesome God and Father we have.

It adds, “though i know not how to relate them all.” Sometimes we take for granted what God is doing in our lives and think its by our own wisdom. We fail to relate a-to-b to understand that its been God who has put the pieces together. Get a moment and think back what you were or where you were 10years ago, its by Gods grace, favor and love that your what you are and where you are today. Learn to put the pieces together and relate the things God has done in your life.

Many of us didn’t have jobs but now we do, many of us didnt have children but now we do, many of us take years without getting sick or being admitted in hospital, many are dead but we are still alive. We have reached places we never thought we would, we have met people we never thought we would. It’s not by our wisdom but it’s been God, surely and truly God has been good to you and me. King David was humble enough to remember all these. He remembered how God took him from the sheepcoat to the palace to become king in place of soul, he remembered the battles he won because of Gods guidance and wisdom. Lets be humble enough to realize that we aren’t what we are by our selves, or by our power, or by our might, but its been God.

Fellow child of God, lets develop a culture of testifying and speaking about Gods goodness all day long. His righteous deeds and saving acts. Let us magnify the name of the Lord and exalt Him high above where He belongs.

Be blessed.
Twitter: @nellyville217
Facebook: Nellyville Wanyama

Published by nelson

Down to earth person, I owe my allegiance to Jesus Christ, it's by His grace that I am what I am today. It's a pleasure to share his word daily

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