Living word for 18-October-2022. “Jesus teaches us about the principle of fruit-bearing as its one of the things that bring glory to the Father.”

The scripture says in John 15:8 that, “Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.” One may wonder what we can do or should do so as to bring glory to the Father and today Jesus mentions it to us so we learn and put it into practice. The scripture says, “herein is my father glorified.” Meaning the next set of things, if we are to do them, it will bring glory to the Father, within them is embedded a secret that brings glory to the Father. What brings glory to the Father is “that you bear much fruit.”

You and me have a duty to bear fruit. No wonder the bible says Jesus is the vine while you and me are the branches and the branches are the part that bear fruit on most trees. The theme scripture today gives us advise, it says herein is my father glorified. The phrase “Herein” denotes that the next set of words are going to tell us how the father is glorified and that is when we hear much fruit. Ladies and gentlemen, learn it from today that The father is glorified when you and me bear much fruit. Not some fruit but much fruit. This fruit can take the form of tithies or offertories where we bring them to house of God so there may be meat in the house of God (malachi 3:10)

This fruit can also take the form of contributions towards Gods kingdom efforts, visiting the sick, visiting prisoners, helping and giving to others, taking care of those in need using your own resources, taking care of the orphans and the needy people. In God’s eyes your bearing much fruit. And we should not do one and leave the other, we should do all of them in unison and this is what it means not only to hear fruit but to bear much fruit.

It’s not about doing one and being content with that, its about doing many because the scripture says much fruit. Others as a result of your help will glorify the father in heaven who has enabled you to help them and thus the father gains and gets the glory. Even by helping strangers for the bible tells us in Hebrews 13: 2. “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” That stranger you offer a helping hand to could be an angel sent by the father from heaven.

It ends by saying “so you shall ye be my disciples.” Bearing much fruit doesn’t stop at only bringing glory to the Father but also it’s a mark that your Jesus’ disciple. You will realize that not many people are willing to help others, not many people have the heart to visit the sick in hospital, to visit prisoners in hospital and those few that do, when God sees their effort it surely brings him glory. Not many people bear fruit, and those few that do, the scripture says “so shall they be Jesus’ disciples.”

If you aren’t financially able to help others, at least you can pray for them, you can fast for them. Praying for others is also a fruit, the scripture says about Jesus in Hebrews 5: 7. “Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard……… God will hear your prayers that you pray for people and thus turn around their situations.

Fellow child of God, we need to be fruit bearers as this brings glory to the Father and also shows us to be his disciples. Jesus offered prayers and supplications with strong cries for you and me to be what we are. We should do the same for others especially those who are sick, imprisoned and in dire situations. Jesus sowed seeds of prayer for you and me and they bore fruit when we came to salvation and we also need to do the same for others. The father is glorified when we engage in these acts of kindness.

Be blessed.
Twitter: @nellyville217
Facebook: Nellyville Wanyama

Published by nelson

Down to earth person, I owe my allegiance to Jesus Christ, it's by His grace that I am what I am today. It's a pleasure to share his word daily

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