Living word for 20-June-2024. Scripture says, “Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.”

*Today we get a warning from apostle paul, the scripture teaches today in 1Timothy 4:16 that, “Watch your life and doctrine closely.”* Yesterday we learnt that we have to be faithful and today Paul is instructing us through his letter to timothy that we have to watch our lives and doctrine closely. The way you live your life matters and thats why God gave us an instruction manual called a bible, its the constitution of the children of God. Doctrine is the teaching we subject ourselves to, this is why Jesus took time to tell us that false prophets would arise with their false teachings so we have to watch the doctrine closes to see that it matches the old testament teaching with the new testament as well as the life of the apostles.

*He adds and says, “Persevere in them,”* To persevere means, *”to persist steadfastly, to stay constant or continue in a certain state.”* So we have to stick to the biblical code of conduct and then also watch the kind of doctrines we subject our learning to. By the time we are told to persevere it means circumstances will arise that want us to give up and corrupt ourselves but we should persevere instead. He then gives us the reason for this warning advise saying, *”because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.”*

Did you catch that, by watching our lives and doctrines and persevering in them we shall have the capacity and strenght to save ourselves. And not only that but also save those who hear what you say. This means your way of life is a sermon to someone who is watching and hearing you speak. This has a ripple effect of saving them and saving you yourself.

Fellow child of God, lets take heed to todays message and strive to watch our lives and doctrine closely.

Be blessed
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Published by nelson

Down to earth person, I owe my allegiance to Jesus Christ, it's by His grace that I am what I am today. It's a pleasure to share his word daily

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